Feel free to ask any unanswered questions on Curious Cat or by email.

⭐What is a GO?A GO (Group Order) is a merchandise order made by a small team or single person for a collective group of people. GOs tend to cut down shipping costs or give a way for people to order items they don't originally have access to purchasing.
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⭐Will you do GOs for media outside of ORV?
Kim GOM will only be doing orders for ORV merchandise.
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⭐How long does merchandise take to arrive?
Due to manufacturing times, merchandise can take anywhere from a month to over half a year to ship to the purchaser. Prints and flat merchandise take 1-3 months while dolls can take up to half a year or longer.
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⭐Are you going to open a GO for [insert merch] ?
Polls will be run in the Discord server to check for interest in what to open GOs for. We also need to get permission from the seller to host it so even if there is high interest in some cases, we may not be able to host a GO.
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⭐Can I get refunded if I am no longer interested after placing an order and sending payment?
Due to GOs being done by demand and order, there are no refunds after the 1st, 2nd or 3rd payments. If merchandise remains unpaid after payment deadlines then it will be relisted at the original selling price if we cannot get in contact with you or you decide to no longer receive the merchandise.
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⭐What is your team's GO timeline?
Our GOs will run in 3 phases; Order Phase, 2nd Shipping Phase from proxy to United States, and a 3rd shipping phase, from us to your address. These are also when payments are made.
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⭐Why do you have a commission fee?
While we operate under the name of a GO, Kim GOM can more accurately be considered a proxy service for ORV merchandise that runs in GOM style. The commission fee is to account for our time and any miscellaneous payments that we may have to make.
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⭐Do you ship internationally?
Yes, we ship internationally if the country accepts mail from the United States at the time of shipping. International buyers will have to pay a higher shipping cost for the third shipping phase.
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⭐Do you have payment methods that aren't Venmo?
Yes, while Venmo is our preferred payment method we also accept payment through Paypal (with a fee), Zelle, and Wise. Please let us know you would like to use a different method if you do not have Venmo when filling out your form.International buyers do not need to add a fee to Paypal payments at the moment, the fee only applies to domestic orders.
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⭐Why is your form price [x] USD when it isn't [x] Currency when converted?
All prices we set take into account any extra fees orders may incur, such as conversion fees and proxy service fees. If we have leftover funds, they are calculated and applied towards 2nd and/or 3rd payments.You can view payment notes as well as any leftover funds or fees listed on our GO Masterlist Sheet after the order is made, when applicable